Don’t miss out on the most important learning conference 2025

Join one of the most revered learning conferences 2025 in the field of education – WORLDCRE. The main goal of this academic event is to create and offer a truly immersive and holistic learning environment for all its attendees. Designed around the principles of open access, learning conference 2025 will bring together highly accomplished and aspiring academics for three days of knowledge exchange and networking.

The large diversity of experiences and backgrounds as well as multiculturalism greatly contribute to the vibrant atmosphere of the conference. In the past, attendees joined from nations like the United States, Czech Republic, Kuwait, Qatar, Croatia, Germany, Mexico, Malaysia, and many others. Listen to world-class academics, put a spotlight on your research, and discover new exciting opportunities.

learning conference

Learning conference 2025 – important information and dates

Call for papers – submit your abstract and present your research at one of the most prestigious learning conferences 2025.

Themes and topics

Learning Conference 2025 is seeking submissions on the following topics:
Adult Education, Art Education, Business, Course Management, Curriculum, Research and Development, Educational Foundations, Education Policy and Leadership, E-Learning, Gaming, Global Issues in Education and Research, ICT, Inclusive Education, Learning / Teaching Methodologies and Assessment, Teacher Education, English and Foreign Language Teaching (ELTFLT), Pedagogy, Psychology, Research in Progress and Research Management. Other related topics will also be considered.

Submitted abstracts will be evaluated by the scientific committee.  All submissions should report original and previously unpublished research results. Manuscripts should meet the format set by the conference committee and are subject to review. Detailed instructions and full paper submission guidelines will be emailed within a few weeks following the conference.

learning conference

Proceedings and publication

All accepted & registered papers will be published in the conference proceeding with ISBN Number. All full papers sent for conference proceedings will be accepted through a double-blind review process and will be published electronically in proceedings with a DOI number.

Conference2Go is the official media partner of the learning conference.